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Terms of Use

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This is the official terms of use document for the Cader Solicitors website.


Important Notice


This is the website of Cader Solicitors of Airivo Chislehurst, 1 Bromley Lane, Chislehurst Kent BR7 6LH.


We will do our best to answer accurately queries e-mailed to us by you but in our sole discretion, reserve the right not to answer such queries. Such queries and answers do not form a contractual relationship between us and Cader Solicitors accepts no contractual responsibility for our responses.


This website contains general information and the content is for information purposes only. It does not constitute specific professional advice on any matter nor should it be used as such. Whilst Cader Solicitors  uses every effort to ensure that the content is accurate and up to date, nothing on this website should be construed as professional advice. We cannot accept responsibility for actions based on the materials contained herein. By using this website you confirm that you have not relied on any such content. If you require advice on any specific problem please contact us before taking any action as a result of the comments made on this site.


Internet Trading and Conditions


By using the Cader Solicitors website ("website") you agree to be bound by the terms of use and if you acquire services using the website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the provision of those services.


Terms of Use


This agreement by which you agree to abide in exploring and accessing information from this website governs the terms upon which you are granted access to this website by Cader Solicitors. This website contains proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which you agree to observe and follow.


You assume full responsibility for the protection of your computer system including computer hardware and software, stored data on your computer system and the stored data and computer systems included hardware and software of third parties who may access or be otherwise connected to your computer systems.


You will assume the responsibility of ensuring that programmes or other data downloaded or otherwise received from this website are free from Viruses, Worms, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature.


Acceptance of Terms of Use: These Terms of Use govern your use of the Cader Solicitors website, as provided by Cader Solicitors. We may amend or add to these Terms of Use without notice to you, so you are advised to consult them periodically.


Data Security


Cader Solicitors will take reasonable steps to ensure that data transported electronically to us via the website or otherwise and stored by Cader Solicitors or otherwise is not accessed by third parties. You accept the risk that data transmitted electronically to Cader Solicitors via this website or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching Cader Solicitors, or accessed from Cader Solicitors data storage means by third parties' unauthorised by Cader Solicitors, and may be exploited unlawfully by such unauthorised third parties. Cader Solicitors does not assume responsibility for guarding against the access of such unauthorised third parties'.


Privacy Policy


We will retain on our database details you provide about yourself. These details may be used to send you information about Cader Solicitors services and other information.


Cader Solicitors protect your personal data by storing it in an area of our network which is protected by a firewall. The purpose of this is to ensure that there is no unauthorised access or improper use of your data. Cader Solicitors does not pass on any of your data to third parties for any purpose.


If there is a change in your personal details or you do not wish to receive any information from us please communicate this by email to or write to Cader Solicitors, Airivo Chislehurst, 1 Bromley Lane, Chislehurst Kent BR7 6LH.


Connected Sites


Cader Solicitors makes no representations as to the security, quality or property of any website which may be accessed through this website. Connected websites accessed through this site are independent website over which Cader Solicitors does not exercise any control, whether financial, editorial, or of any other kind and are not in any way endorsed by Cader Solicitors.


Information contained in this website may contain inaccuracies or typographical mistakes. Information may be changed or updated without notice and any queries relating to the information including queries as to its most recent amendment or update and accuracy should be addressed to


Exclusion of Liability


In no circumstances will Cader Solicitors be liable to you for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or other damage howsoever resulting from the use of this website or any other website connecting to the website by means of a hypertext link or otherwise. This shall be the case whether such damage is caused by transmission from this website (or a connected website you're your computer system, or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other destructive items, corrupted data or data incompatible with your computer system, or third parties', interception of or access to data of whatever nature. "Data" includes (without limitation) personal data and credit and payment card information transmitted by you electronically to Cader Solicitors or otherwise. Such damage shall include (without limitation) lost profits, interruption to business, loss of the whole or any part of a program or programs, or of any data howsoever stored, whether saved on a computer system or otherwise.




The copyright in this website belongs absolutely to Cader Solicitors. You have permission to download the contents of this website to your local hard drive for your personal use. You also have permission to copy the content to an individual third party for their personal use provided that you acknowledge the source of the material as being this website and you inform the third party that they are bound by Cader Solicitors terms and conditions.


Applicable Law


This site is the property of Cader Solicitors and was created by them and controlled by them in Kent, ENGLAND, United Kingdom. The laws of ENGLAND will govern the disclaimers terms and conditions set out in this site without giving effects to any principles of conflicts of laws.

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